An app concept for my UI/UX Specialization to show where dairy-free ice cream is within a particular location. My husband and I are always searching for vegan ice cream flavors at every ice cream shop, and I thought, β€œHey, I can make an app to solve this!” I wanted the app to have a light hipster feel and be cute and fun to use.


Plant-Based Ice Cream Lovers Unite!

Does dairy get you down? Tired of looking at endless ice cream menus searching for that one plant-based flavor? Well, look no more! Simply open the IceDream app on your phone and find out what dairy-free ice cream flavors are in your area and where to get them! Browse the map, look at the flavors, and navigate to the ice cream shop for an after-dinner treat. Because everyone should be able to go out and get ice cream.


From the home screen simply click on SEARCH and it will take you to a map with icons for locations of plant-based ice cream shops with a sub-menu underneath with pictures and a description of each shop and the flavors they have. There will be an option to navigate to the ice cream shop or save the information for later. It will open up Google Maps to navigate to the ice cream shop. When you save the information for later you can refer to a list of gathered information to then navigate to a later time. 
